Unforgettable Electronics
We understood from the outset that this was to be a different project. An exclusive video and audio retail showroom needed a new home. The owner fully anticipated that his customers might not all love this shop, but he wanted to be certain that they wouldn’t forget it.

To meet that expectation, we transformed an unremarkable two storey building on Yonge Street – Canada’s pre-eminent retailing address. Our design treats the entire façade as an exotic sign, evocative of analogue instrument clusters. Inside, we favoured finishing materials for their acoustical qualities, rather than their visual appeal. We appropriated industrial work lights. We purposefully left metal elements unfinished. We created custom displays using ‘rough’ hardware in clever ways.

Our unconventional purpose was to direct attention to the elegant sophistication and refinement of the high-end merchandise. It’s a memorable project, made extraordinary through its modesty.
“With calloused hands I tasted the softness of the moon.” – Sanober Khan