Tall Towers

A tall tower, regardless of its intended purpose, invariably establishes a kind of visual punctuation within its surrounding physical context and imprints a powerful symbolic presence in the minds of those nearby and far away. Think ‘Paris’ and even 130 years later, a mental connection is immediately made to Eiffel. Such is the iconic potential of a tall tower structure.

We have designed, consulted and overseen construction of tall towers in numerous jurisdictions around the globe. Our focus is to balance the needs for constructability, operational performance and distinctive appearance. Here are a few illustrative projects.

The CN Tower was the world’s tallest free-standing structure for over 30 years. We think that its design successfully reconciles many contradictory functional requirements – the needs of technical users and the interests of public visitors. Broadcasters demanded 24/7 security, stability and fail-safe service. Visitors craved convenience, comfort, panoramas, and adventure.
Both were satisfied by effectively creating a unique and memorable form. We’re proud of our role as project architects. And the glass floor – that was our idea.

When these colossal water-storage towers were constructed on the seafront of Kuwait City, we prepared design concepts for all public spaces. A formal arrival plaza and an entrance pavilion were created to direct visitors to a single, secure public access point. The largest sphere houses a nightclub and restaurant, offering fine dining, live entertainment and dancing. Higher up in the smaller viewing sphere, visitors enjoy a superb view of Kuwait City and the Gulf coast beyond.

The 350 meter tall Strat Tower in Las Vegas was a critical component of the owner’s long-range plan to expand and revitalize a well known hotel/casino complex. Our design incorporated gaming and observation areas, wedding chapels, multi-level revolving restaurants and bars. On the roof, thrill-seeking gamblers can choose between several daunting rides, including an opportunity to leap into the air, tethered only by a steel cable zip line. What are the odds?