Chinguacousy Skate Trail
“This is something that passionate skaters have been wanting for some time.” – Sheridan Sun

Canadians have been gliding over frozen lakes and ponds for more than a century. Long before we were a nation, ice skating was a popular social and recreational pastime for men, women and children alike. Our first commercial outdoor rink was opened in 1840, and artificial surfaces are now found in almost every sizeable community.

Recently, however, skating for pleasure has been transformed. No longer satisfied to be hemmed in on uni-directional hockey ovals, skaters want to be able to move about more freely in park-like settings. As these preferences are being met, participation rates are flourishing.

In warm weather, the ice trail becomes a shallow reflecting pool. In fact, the states of water have inspired the entire development – wave-like planting beds, gentle landscaped berms and a crystalline stepped amphitheatre. A modern pavilion of jewel-like simplicity was designed to house water treatment and ice-making equipment, washrooms and sheltered change benches.

What could be more satisfying than helping Canadians celebrate winter?

“The rink is never overly crowded, so it’s fun to just fly up and down the ice, I’m glad they added this here.” – Alexis Pace, local resident